Sapcar Manifest

broken image

With this blog series we provide an update with the latest information about SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05.

For the overview post, see What's New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05.

Any good? Post a comment, share on social media, and/or give a like. Thanks!

  1. Sapcar Extract Manifest
  2. Sapcar Manifest

What's New – Installation and Update

Download SAPCAR Tool. To download SAPCAR, go Back to the 'Support Packages & Patches' we need to click on 'By Catalogue' Figure 10. On this page, we need to click on 'Additional Components' and from the list select 'SAPCAR'. On the next screen, we need to select the latest version of SAPCAR which in this case is 7.21 (figure 11. Unpack the archive in to the extraction directory, passing the option –manifest SIGNATURE.SMF to SAPCAR SAPCAR -xvf IMDBSERVER1001227-10009569.SAR -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF p.s. Pysap is an open source Python library that provides modules for crafting and sending packets using SAP's NI, Diag, Enqueue, Router, MS, SNC, IGS, RFC and HDB protocols. SecureAuthCorp/pysap. /SAPCAR/sapcar -xvf /SAPHOSTAGENT.SAR -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF Among others, the archive contains the saphostexec program. Perform the upgrade by running the following command.

SAP HANA Platform

We can be brief about what's new for the installation and update topic area for the latest SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05 release.

  1. NEW: We can enable data and log volume encryption at installation time.
  2. CHANGED: We can now use the local secure store (LSS) for production. LSS was introduced last year with SPS 04.

As documented,

As described in the What's New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05 overview blog, when compared, we can safely put the Installation and Update topic area in bimodal IT camp number one: predictable. In fact, we have to back to 2014 for the last major innovations in this domain. Changes at the time were coming so fast, we wrote a blog about it

Since, it has been an extra parameter here, a minor enhancement there.

  • SPS 04: support for persistent memory and install_execution_mode parameter
  • SPS 03: software authentication verification and database selection for XS advanced
  • SPS 02: AFL update without restart
  • SPS 01: installation defaults to tenant database mode

Good thing or bad? Very good would be my vote. You want operations to be predictable. The installation process for SAP HANA has been consistent for the last 6 years and with SPS 05 will remain the same for another five.

If you are new to this topic, we can recommend the video tutorial series and blog posts created for the SPS 02 release (2018), we cover the topic in much detail for every component: server, client, studio, XS advanced, etc. As very little has changed, this information is still accurate.

SAP HANA Cockpit

Although there are a lot of new features introduced with SAP HANA 2.0 cockpit SP 12, concerning installation and update we can be short: it is the same as before, no new features.

The installation uses the same HDBLCM tool as for the database server and other components with a slight modification: we call the tool using a script ( instead of directly (hdblcm) to pass some parameters along. To automate (batch), we can use the same process as with the database. This is illustrated below in this blog.

Since the first release of SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 00 in 2016 only once was there an entry for the Installation and Update topic with SP07: support for installation into existing databases.

Tutorial Video

SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05 – Installation and Update

Short tutorial video showing selections choices and procedure (server only).

SAP HANA Cockpit


Always check the documentation and release notes before starting the installation. This might save you a lot of time later on.

Hardware and software requirements are documented in the SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide, that is to say, the reference to the actual SAP Note/KBA where this is recorded.

Although you can add SAP HANA cockpit to an existing SAP HANA system, in the standard architecture it contains an SAP HANA, express edition database (persistence), the XS Advanced runtime, plus several Node.js applications, including

  • SAP HANA cockpit – system administration tool
  • SAP HANA cockpit manager – metadata management tool
  • SAP HANA database explorer – catalog browser and SQL console
  • SAP HANA SQL Analyzer – execution plan analysis

From the cockpit we make named database user (e.g. SYSTEM) connections to SAP HANA systems (release 1.0 SPS 12 or later). In addition, for connections to the system database to start/stop. offline troubleshooting, or recover we can also add an operating system account, typically the adm user.

Software Downloads

You can download SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 from Software Downloads on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. Time of writing, SP12 was the latest version but typically you always install the latest version.

The SAR file starts to approach the 4 GB. If your network connection is good enough, you might get away with downloading the file directly (click the link) otherwise check the box and select the shopping cart. Click Download Basket on the bottom menu bar to verify.

Download Manager and File Transfer

To download multiple or larger files unattended, get the Download Manager (also from Software Downloads).

Unzip the ZIP and put the JAR where you like or leave it where it is). Should you have a properly configured Java environment, double clicking the JAR will execute it. Otherwise, run command

If you need a JVM, go to

Next, you need to transfer the file to the host. You can use secure FTP clients like WinSCP or in case this concerns a cloud-hosted environment use a cloud shell command. For Google Cloud Platform, for example, use

To extract, you need to download SAPCAR from Software Downloads. Should you recycle the server, check if the SAP host agent is still present and run SAPCAR from there.


Like the database, we install SAP HANA cockpit with the SAP HANA Database Lifecycle Manager (HDBLCM) except this time via a shell script and not directly

We are prompted to enter

  • installation path
  • local host name
  • system identifier
  • instance number
  • master password

Default values are provided including Password1 as master password (joke, that's a joke – you need to come up with one yourself and better make a strong one as it will be the password for all superusers

  • adm – OS
  • SYSTEM – system database
  • SYSTEM – cockpit tenant database
  • COCKPIT_ADMIN – XS advanced

Default SID is H4C and instance number 96. These are arbitrary values and can be changed as desired. Note that by default port-based routing is used and that the instance number is present in a number of TCP ports, e.g. 330 for the XS controller, etc., which may affect the firewall configuration. Port numbers (range) are configurable.

As mentioned, cockpit uses the same installer as the database so should you want to perform an unattended installation with customised settings, see the platform documentation

  • Parameter Reference, SAP HANA Server Installation and Update Guide

Summary before execution shows XS Advanced administration user: COCKPIT_ADMIN and the XS advanced org and space (SAP, HANACockpit). Also note that the default domain might be different from the value expected. We can change easily after the installation.

Note the built-in database is SPS 04 and the location of the log files (should anything go wrong). The installation takes about 45 minutes.

When all is well, the installation ends with

SAP HANA Cockpit System installed
Launch SAP HANA cockpit by opening https://:51026
Launch SAP HANA cockpit manager by opening https://:51028

Post-Installation Configuration

When we access the cockpit URL, the browser returns an invalid certificate warning and we cannot connect. SAP HANA cockpit use self-signed certificates and this is like printing your own passport. It does not get you very far.

For test, demo, and training, you can add the certificate to Keychain (macOS) and mark as trusted or install the certificate as root (Windows). For anything serious, get proper certificates. Ask the network admin if that is not you. See the blog post for some suggestions

Reload the page and we should get routed to the XS Advanced user authentication and authorization (UAA) service. This is a different port, so in case you only opened up 51026 and 51028 through the firewall you may get stuck at this point and need to go back to the network admin.

If not, we get an error message (with the promised land in sight, how painful!). Fortunately, we are informed what to do: ask ourselves to launch the cockpit manager tool.

Update the port from 26 to 28 and login. Now we are still not authorized but this time we are prompted whether we want to have the required role collection assigned. Duh.

We are making progress. We are connect to the cockpit manager although no databases are registered yet. There are no groups and there is one user (cockpit admin).

From the bottom bar, we can now navigate to the cockpit (opens in new tab). There is nothing to do yet but we can navigate back to Manage Cockpit (opens in another tab). Let's add a database.



As with cockpit, always check the documentation and release notes before starting the installation.

Supported operating system requirements have not changed and are the same as for the latest revisions of SPS 04 (e.g. SLES 12 SP05 or 15 SP1).

Software Downloads

As with cockpit, download the full SAP HANA platform SPS (14 GB) from Software Downloads.

  • SAP HANA Platform Edt. 2.0 SPS05 rev50 Linux x86_64 (or Power)

Click Download Basket on the bottom menu bar to validate your choice before downloading.

In case you only need the server component (or a new revision), go to Support Packages and Patches. IMDB_SERVER is 3.5 GB. Make sure to select LINUX ON x86_64 in the header.

Download Manager and File Transfer

Use Download Manager and file transfer to copy the file to the hana host. There are many ways to do this. For cloud-based systems, use the command line secure copy (scp) command. Alternatively, store this file in cheap cloud storage or on a drive that you attach to the image.

The SPS comes as ZIP file, the component revisions as SAR. Use unzip or SAPCAR to extract.

The first level contains label information for automation. The second level all components.

System Preparation

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), use YaST to configure host and network settings.

Yast > Network Settings > Hostnames configures /etc/hosts

Yast > System > Network Setting: configures /etc/resolv.conf

For new systems, preparing the environment should be planned and executed carefully. For this hands-on, I used an existing SAP HANA, express edition system and removed the existing installation.


Go down the path to the server and run the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM):

Note that besides the server, the client is detected, the application function library (AFL), EML, EPM-MDS, smart data access (SDA), the local secure store (LSS), XS advanced runtime. and different applications from XSA_CONTENT, including the SAP Web IDE and the database explorer.

For a database-only installation, we are prompted to enter

  • installation path
  • local host name
  • single or multiple host (i.e. distributed) – adding a second host automatically makes it scale out
  • system identifier – no default value
  • instance number
  • worker group – standby or extension node are alternatives (exceptional cases)
  • system usage
  • enable encryption – SPS 05 alert! New Feature
  • location of data and log volume
  • restrict memory allocation – e.g. to the licensed amount
  • certificate host name – for SSL connections
  • passwords for adm and SYSTEM
  • OS user login shell, ID, and home
  • reboot – cryptical description meaning start HANA system with operating system (or not)

In other words, we only need to supply the SID and the passwords, all other values take on default parameters.

The log file location is the same as for cockpit. Server only installation takes about 8 minutes.

Post-Installation Configuration

Sapcar Extract Manifest


There is no required post-installation activity as such but making a backup and changing passwords are usual activities. SAP also recommends to disable the SYSTEM and create less privileged users, e.g. USER ADMIN for user administration, BACKUP ADMIN for backups, etc.

SAP HANA Cockpit Manager

Register Database

Register the database(s) and optionally create a group. This works the same as with previous releases except that we now register a database and not a resource (name change)

SPS 05 alert! New Feature

This is documented in the cockpit administration guide.

Note that if you have yet properly configured the SSL certificates, you do not want to enable SSL as self-signed certificates do not get you very far.


Navigate from the cockpit manager to the cockpit. Note that we are running with issues…

Database Directory

The resource directory is now Database Directory. New graphs have been added for resource consumption, a new column for expensive statement, and views to filter on usage type.

Enter credentials and connect to the database.

Database Overview

System overview is now Database Overview. Like the directory, we can now select a view in the header to filter (monitoring, administration. user management).

The Alerts card informs us that there is one issue with Backups.

The Backups card informs us that there are no backups.

Time to make a backup. Where are those sysadmins when you need them…

Sapcar Manifest

On a side note: when we create an instance of SAP HANA Cloud there are zero issues when we access the SAP HANA cockpit (included with the database as-a-service, no need to install or register anything). When we access the database for the first time, a backup will already have been created.

Database Information

Running SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05. Mission accomplished.

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Enjoyed the blog? Post a comment, share on social media, and/or give a like. Thanks!

If you would like to receive updates, connect with me on

  • LinkedIn >
  • Twitter > @dvankempen


Denys van Kempen

SAP HANA 2.0 – An Introduction

Just getting started with SAP HANA? Or do have a migration to SAP HANA 2.0 coming up? Need a quick update covering business benefits and technology overview. Understand the role of the system administrator, developer, data integrator, security officer, data scientist, data modeler, project manager, and other SAP HANA stakeholders? My latest book about SAP HANA 2.0 covers everything you need to know.

Get it from SAP Press or Amazon:

SAP HANA 2.0 Certification Guide: Technology Associate Exam

Preparing for your SAP HANA 2.0 technology associate exam? Make the grade with this certification study guide! From installation and configuration to monitoring and troubleshooting, this guide will review the key technical and functional knowledge you need to pass with flying colors. Explore test methodology, key concepts for each area, and practice questions and answers. Your path to SAP HANA 2.0 certification begins here!

Pre-order from SAP Press:

For the others posts, see


patch level 12

patch date patchtext

1 2015/05/04 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/05/04 Fix issue with workdir switch on z/OS, note 1113545

2015/05/04 HostAgent SapPortReserve: improve log messages, note 401162

2015/05/04 Porting sapdbctrl on HANA for 721_REL, note 2131602

2015/05/04 SAP Host Agent 7.21, note 2130510

2015/05/04 SAP on Linux with Hyper-V: Enhanced Monitoring, note 2147139

2015/05/04 SAPOsCol terminates during EarlyWatch run, note 2141935

2015/05/04 SIQ plugin initial check-in, note 2153941

2015/05/04 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - stop running isql before ASE da, note 2133098

2015/05/04 Could not load platform library on linuxppc64, note 1550099

2015/05/04 Create environment block fix for windows, note 1113545

2015/05/04 Sapdbctrl causes lots of messages Login failed for user '<, note 2152992

2015/05/04 Sapdbctrl: not member of sysadmin, note 1877727

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: Attach - create homedir with rev 93, note 2146861

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: Snapshot Handling for HANA SP7, note 2141369

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: support on Linux Power, note 2153138

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA:getproperties wrong output instance list, note 2147554

2015/05/04 Saposcol Linux: add patchlevel to OpSysDetails, note 1102124

2 2015/05/10 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/05/10 SYB: Grey availability metrics in technical monitoring, note 2103798

3 2015/05/18 CCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop action, note 2165518

2015/05/18 Sapdbctrl/HANA: correction no database for service stop, note 2166891

2015/05/18 Sapdbctrl: HANA password output with trace level 3, note 2167907

2015/06/12 Fix sapdbctrl function loading traces, note 1113545

2015/06/12 Monitoring with CIM Provider on Oracle Solaris, note 2140498

2015/06/12 SAP Host Agent support for SAP IQ, note 2153941

4 2015/07/21 Saposcol dumps on SIGSEGV in libc, note 2142737

2015/07/21 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - Improvements for ASE Upgrade, note 2167456

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl/HANA: startdb bigger timeout, note 2181530

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl/HANA: stopdb: Error on offline database, note 2185110

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl: not member of sysadmin, note 1877727

2015/07/21 Hostexecstart compatibility fix, note 1113545

2015/07/21 Fix resource leak, note 1113545

2015/07/21 SAPCAR manifest extraction, note 1113545

2015/07/21 Hostexecstart compatibility fix update, note 1113545

2015/07/21 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

5 2015/07/27 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/07/27 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1759181

2015/07/27 Where-used check Trade Lane, note 1750181

2015/07/31 Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38, note 2181733

2015/07/31 Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39, note 2192597

2015/07/31 HANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2, note 2180024

2015/07/31 SAP Host Agent Patches specific to Windows, note 2125101

2015/07/31 SAP Landscape Virtualization Management 2.1 SP05, note 2092694

2015/07/31 The discovery process creates duplicate entries, note 2198765

2015/07/31 Pfoscol counters for Suse VM on Azure, note 2191498

2015/07/31 Saposcol Linux: vSphere 6.0 extended metrics, note 1102124

6 2015/09/01 Saphostctrl missing create mountpoint option, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Add Oracle 12c Support, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Audit Logging Open File Fix, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Fix Linux OS.PagesPagedIn/Out Metrics, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Improve install/upgrade handling from hostagent directory, note 1113545

2015/09/01 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

2015/09/01 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2015/09/02 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: Correction Stop DB no database found, note 2193060

7 2015/10/07 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/10/07 DB6: Avoid log records regarding missing implementations f, note 2209841

2015/10/07 Fix skip of log lines displayed, note 1550099

2015/10/07 Improve Oracle archive destination handling for DB Copy, note 1113545

2015/10/07 Potential denial of service in saposcol, note 2220064

2015/10/07 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2015/10/07 Restore OS default Signal behaviour, note 1113545

2015/10/07 SAP Host Agent 7.2.1, note 2217610

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/ADA: missing getproperties output manag.-host, note 2223593

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: Corr Err msg: Instance already exist, note 2215504

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/HDB: missing getproperties output manag.-host, note 2223591

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/MaxDB: Correction listDatabase empty list, note 2216207

2015/10/07 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - use of odbc driver, note 2201973

2015/10/07 Issue checking active IP Address, note 1550099

2015/10/07 Issues modify exports and fstab, note 1550099

2015/10/16 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

2015/10/16 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: setproperty handling hdbuserstore logon, note 2225880


There is no required post-installation activity as such but making a backup and changing passwords are usual activities. SAP also recommends to disable the SYSTEM and create less privileged users, e.g. USER ADMIN for user administration, BACKUP ADMIN for backups, etc.

SAP HANA Cockpit Manager

Register Database

Register the database(s) and optionally create a group. This works the same as with previous releases except that we now register a database and not a resource (name change)

SPS 05 alert! New Feature

This is documented in the cockpit administration guide.

Note that if you have yet properly configured the SSL certificates, you do not want to enable SSL as self-signed certificates do not get you very far.


Navigate from the cockpit manager to the cockpit. Note that we are running with issues…

Database Directory

The resource directory is now Database Directory. New graphs have been added for resource consumption, a new column for expensive statement, and views to filter on usage type.

Enter credentials and connect to the database.

Database Overview

System overview is now Database Overview. Like the directory, we can now select a view in the header to filter (monitoring, administration. user management).

The Alerts card informs us that there is one issue with Backups.

The Backups card informs us that there are no backups.

Time to make a backup. Where are those sysadmins when you need them…

Sapcar Manifest

On a side note: when we create an instance of SAP HANA Cloud there are zero issues when we access the SAP HANA cockpit (included with the database as-a-service, no need to install or register anything). When we access the database for the first time, a backup will already have been created.

Database Information

Running SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05. Mission accomplished.

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Enjoyed the blog? Post a comment, share on social media, and/or give a like. Thanks!

If you would like to receive updates, connect with me on

  • LinkedIn >
  • Twitter > @dvankempen


Denys van Kempen

SAP HANA 2.0 – An Introduction

Just getting started with SAP HANA? Or do have a migration to SAP HANA 2.0 coming up? Need a quick update covering business benefits and technology overview. Understand the role of the system administrator, developer, data integrator, security officer, data scientist, data modeler, project manager, and other SAP HANA stakeholders? My latest book about SAP HANA 2.0 covers everything you need to know.

Get it from SAP Press or Amazon:

SAP HANA 2.0 Certification Guide: Technology Associate Exam

Preparing for your SAP HANA 2.0 technology associate exam? Make the grade with this certification study guide! From installation and configuration to monitoring and troubleshooting, this guide will review the key technical and functional knowledge you need to pass with flying colors. Explore test methodology, key concepts for each area, and practice questions and answers. Your path to SAP HANA 2.0 certification begins here!

Pre-order from SAP Press:

For the others posts, see


patch level 12

patch date patchtext

1 2015/05/04 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/05/04 Fix issue with workdir switch on z/OS, note 1113545

2015/05/04 HostAgent SapPortReserve: improve log messages, note 401162

2015/05/04 Porting sapdbctrl on HANA for 721_REL, note 2131602

2015/05/04 SAP Host Agent 7.21, note 2130510

2015/05/04 SAP on Linux with Hyper-V: Enhanced Monitoring, note 2147139

2015/05/04 SAPOsCol terminates during EarlyWatch run, note 2141935

2015/05/04 SIQ plugin initial check-in, note 2153941

2015/05/04 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - stop running isql before ASE da, note 2133098

2015/05/04 Could not load platform library on linuxppc64, note 1550099

2015/05/04 Create environment block fix for windows, note 1113545

2015/05/04 Sapdbctrl causes lots of messages Login failed for user '<, note 2152992

2015/05/04 Sapdbctrl: not member of sysadmin, note 1877727

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: Attach - create homedir with rev 93, note 2146861

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: Snapshot Handling for HANA SP7, note 2141369

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA: support on Linux Power, note 2153138

2015/05/04 Saphostagent HANA:getproperties wrong output instance list, note 2147554

2015/05/04 Saposcol Linux: add patchlevel to OpSysDetails, note 1102124

2 2015/05/10 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/05/10 SYB: Grey availability metrics in technical monitoring, note 2103798

3 2015/05/18 CCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop action, note 2165518

2015/05/18 Sapdbctrl/HANA: correction no database for service stop, note 2166891

2015/05/18 Sapdbctrl: HANA password output with trace level 3, note 2167907

2015/06/12 Fix sapdbctrl function loading traces, note 1113545

2015/06/12 Monitoring with CIM Provider on Oracle Solaris, note 2140498

2015/06/12 SAP Host Agent support for SAP IQ, note 2153941

4 2015/07/21 Saposcol dumps on SIGSEGV in libc, note 2142737

2015/07/21 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - Improvements for ASE Upgrade, note 2167456

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl/HANA: startdb bigger timeout, note 2181530

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl/HANA: stopdb: Error on offline database, note 2185110

2015/07/21 Sapdbctrl: not member of sysadmin, note 1877727

2015/07/21 Hostexecstart compatibility fix, note 1113545

2015/07/21 Fix resource leak, note 1113545

2015/07/21 SAPCAR manifest extraction, note 1113545

2015/07/21 Hostexecstart compatibility fix update, note 1113545

2015/07/21 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

5 2015/07/27 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/07/27 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1759181

2015/07/27 Where-used check Trade Lane, note 1750181

2015/07/31 Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38, note 2181733

2015/07/31 Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39, note 2192597

2015/07/31 HANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2, note 2180024

2015/07/31 SAP Host Agent Patches specific to Windows, note 2125101

2015/07/31 SAP Landscape Virtualization Management 2.1 SP05, note 2092694

2015/07/31 The discovery process creates duplicate entries, note 2198765

2015/07/31 Pfoscol counters for Suse VM on Azure, note 2191498

2015/07/31 Saposcol Linux: vSphere 6.0 extended metrics, note 1102124

6 2015/09/01 Saphostctrl missing create mountpoint option, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Add Oracle 12c Support, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Audit Logging Open File Fix, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Fix Linux OS.PagesPagedIn/Out Metrics, note 1113545

2015/09/01 Improve install/upgrade handling from hostagent directory, note 1113545

2015/09/01 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

2015/09/01 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2015/09/02 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: Correction Stop DB no database found, note 2193060

7 2015/10/07 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2015/10/07 DB6: Avoid log records regarding missing implementations f, note 2209841

2015/10/07 Fix skip of log lines displayed, note 1550099

2015/10/07 Improve Oracle archive destination handling for DB Copy, note 1113545

2015/10/07 Potential denial of service in saposcol, note 2220064

2015/10/07 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2015/10/07 Restore OS default Signal behaviour, note 1113545

2015/10/07 SAP Host Agent 7.2.1, note 2217610

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/ADA: missing getproperties output manag.-host, note 2223593

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: Corr Err msg: Instance already exist, note 2215504

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/HDB: missing getproperties output manag.-host, note 2223591

2015/10/07 SAPHOSTAGENT/MaxDB: Correction listDatabase empty list, note 2216207

2015/10/07 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - use of odbc driver, note 2201973

2015/10/07 Issue checking active IP Address, note 1550099

2015/10/07 Issues modify exports and fstab, note 1550099

2015/10/16 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

2015/10/16 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: setproperty handling hdbuserstore logon, note 2225880

2015/10/23 Saphostctrl -function AttachDatabase fails with access den, note 2233703

8 2015/11/16 CCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE context, note 2242207

2015/11/16 SAPHOSTAGENT/HDB: correction getproperties core dump, note 2236036

2015/11/25 CIM-Based Monitoring for SAP Systems on HP-UX, note 2090656

2015/11/25 Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46, note 2243018

2015/11/25 Update internal SIQ configuration settings if correct user, note 2241927

2015/12/01 Patch Collection Nov 2015, note 1113545

2015/12/01 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

9 2015/12/04 IBM i: Operating system performance data in CIM format, note 2078088

2016/01/17 Linux saposcol patch collection Nov 2015, note 2240028

2016/01/17 Outside Discovery Temporary Fix for Database Status, note 1113545

2016/01/17 SAP Host Agent Patches specific to Windows, note 2125101

2016/01/17 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2016/01/17 SAP LVM 2.1 SP01 required sapacosprep storage library functi, note 2088477

2016/01/17 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA/LINXPPC64: wrong path hdbnsutil, note 2238705

2016/01/17 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: Correction getDatabaseStatus, note 2235510

2016/01/17 SAPHOSTAGENT/HANA: support multi Database with HANA SP 11, note 2243020

2016/01/17 Hostagent crash preparing large exports if they are hooked, note 1113545

2016/01/17 DB2-z/OS:CCMS:HAG: CIM-Provider Enablement for z/OS, note 2047924

2016/01/17 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - Improvements for SAP ASE upgrad, note 2167456

2016/01/17 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - correction for stop of heartbea, note 2232933

2016/01/17 Continuous improvement of 7.21 saposcol, note 2136972

2016/01/17 Saposcol data not updated, saposcol hanging, note 1984681

2016/01/17 Saposcol parent process dumps at startup, note 2264155

2016/01/17 Unwanted 10s collection interval in saposcol, note 2264242

2016/01/17 Saphostagent/hana: Correction SAP_RETRIAVAL_PATH not set, note 2265273

10 2016/01/22 Enable ListDatabaseSystems/GetDatabaseSystemStatus, note 1113545

2016/01/22 Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie response, note 877795

2016/01/24 SYB: saphostctrl discovery on Windows, note 2267843

11 2016/02/04 Dump on AIX for PrintNetwork, note 1550099

2016/02/07 Sapacosprep access local share via unc path, note 1550099

2016/02/09 Linux: Avoiding TCP/IP port conflicts and start problems, note 401162

2016/02/09 SYB: saphostctrl Solaris with Fault Manger, note 2275093

2016/02/15 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2016/02/15 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1759181

2016/02/15 Fix Oracle Online Copy Regression, note 1113545

2016/02/15 Issues with sapacosprep, note 1084753

2016/02/15 New operation for LVM to get hana infos, note 1550099

2016/03/01 Additional environment win2012 fix, note 1113545

2016/03/01 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2016/03/01 Windows Metric Provider fixes, note 1113545

12 2016/03/04 IBM i: Program does not start with error: tcsetattr: Inval, note 2288677

2016/03/04 Saphostagent/maxdb: wrong error Prepare Database Copy, note 2269733

2016/03/11 Additional Host Agent Operations for ACC/SAP LVM, note 1550099

2016/03/11 Patch Collection 03.2016, note 1113545

2016/03/11 SAP Host Agent Patches specific to Windows, note 2125101

2016/03/11 SYB: saphostctrl/sapdbctrl - Support database metrics, note 2288152

2016/03/11 Saposcol data not updated, saposcol hanging, note 1984681

2016/03/11 Sapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles support, note 877795

2016/03/15 Problems with SAP Host Agent, note 1113545

2016/03/15 SAPHOSTagent/Hana: Detach im Scaleout-System funktioniert be, note 2283687

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